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Seeing you come out with supplement after supplement of fantastic MONSTER GUTS material has been such a joy for me. Thank you so much! (and keep 'em coming, please!)


Thank you very much!  I'm glad I'm able to expand on the awesome system you made, and it's great that you are enjoying my stuff!

You're doing it incredibly well! If there is any way to contact you please let me know

Thank you!  Posting a comment on one of these supplements gets my attention pretty quick, but if a different format works better for you, I can try to set something up. 

I would love if I could contact you otherwise, even for a short conversation. If there was an option to talk anywhere, I would be very happy. I noticed that you have a Twitter account connected, but I can't send you private messages there either. If you have an account on, for example, discord or redit, please let me know

Sure!  I'm on Discord as Arkhadtoa (or maybe Arkhadtoa#0097, not sure since they recently changed how tags work).  

OMG, was so excited for this, thank you… another set of monsters to look forward to.

I'm so glad to hear this!  If you try any of them, I'd love to get any feedback about how they play outside of my own solo experiments.